言語生態学    Linguistic Ecology

担当者    Instructor:
デキキス ジョー 教授
Dr. Joseph DeChicchis

授業の目的    Course Objectives:
This course is about the concept of language ecology and the metaphor of ecology in linguistics. The aim of this course is to help students understand various concepts linking language and ecology, especially Haugen's notion of "language ecology" and Halliday's notion of "ecolinguistics".

各回ごとの授業内容    Course Contents of Each Session:
1. intro and Preliminary EXAM review
2. the medieval trivium
3. the concept of "language ecology" and the metaphor of ecology
4. dialectology and sociolinguistics
5. Scandinavia
6. Yugoslavia
7. Nigeria and Biafra
8. China
9. Indonesia
10. the concept of ecolinguistics and the environmental effects of language
11. nasal vowels, rhotics in Europe
12. clicks in southern Africa
13. father tongue hypothesis
14. Comprehensive EXAM

授業方法    Methods of Instruction:
Lectures. Directed reading. Homework.

教科書    Text (in the Sanda library):
David Crystal, 1997. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language. Cambridge U. Press, 2nd edition. (This book is available in the KSC library.)

参考文献    Other Reference Works:
U. Ansaldo, L. Lim (eds.), Language Ecology, 2017
J. C. Bang, J. Door, J. Nash, S. V. Steffensen, 2008. Language, Ecology and Society: A Dialectical Approach. Continuum.
F. Coulmas (ed.), 1989. Language Adaptation. Cambridge University Press.
C. A. Ferguson, S. B. Heath (eds.), 1981. Language in the USA. Cambridge University Press.
A. Fill & P. Muhlhausler, 2001. The Ecolinguistics Reader: Language, Ecology, and Environment. Continuum.
A. Goatly, 1996. Green grammar and grammatical metaphor, or language and the myth of power, or metaphors we die by. Journal of Pragmatics 25: 537-560.
M. A. K. Halliday, 2005-2009. The Collected Works of M. A. K. Halliday. Continuum.
M. A. K. Halliday & J. R. Martin, 1993. Writing Science: Literacy and Discursive Power. University of Pittsburgh Press.
E. Haugen, 1972. The Ecology of Language. Stanford University Press.
W. Labov, 1994, 2001, 2010. Principles of Linguistic Change. Wiley-Blackwell.

成績評価方法・基準    Method of Evaluation:
There will be no exam during the final exam period. The grade for the course will be comprehensive. The grade will be based on in-class exams and take-home assignments. If you pass the comprehensive in-class exam given at the end of the semester, then you will pass this course.

学生による授業評価の方法    Course Evaluation by Students:
Please use the KGU intranet method to evaluate this course. (ネット利用 -- 所定のフォーマット)

準備学習等についての具体的な指示および他の科目との関連    Prerequisites, Preparation Notes: Students must understand the basic concepts covered in 多言語多文化論 Multilingualism and Multiculturalism. Students should take 多言語多文化論 Multilingualism and Multiculturalism before taking this course.

キーワード    Key Words:
language, ecology, eco-linguistics, linguistic ecology